River City Podcast

Listen. Accept. Encourage. Boys to Men Mentoring.

November 07, 2023 River City Consulting Season 6 Episode 10

Boys to Men Mentoring Network of Virginia (BTMVA) offers young men a safe place where they can talk about what is really going on in their lives, as well as a community of mentors and peers who listen, believe in them and help them make better choices. 

Warren McCrickard is the Executive Director of Boys to Men Mentoring Network of Virginia and he joins Jess Ellett to discuss their programs and to share some amazing success stories coming out of their work.

Listen in to all of the incredible things this nonprofit is doing for young men in our community and learn how you can get involved!!

Check out their website:  www.btmva.org
Follow them on FB:  facebook.com/BoystomenVa

Thanks for listening to River City Podcast! A River City Consulting Production. To learn more about how your organization can be interviewed on the show, please visit our website at the link below!
